Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Sunday 8 February 2015

Southampton - Chapter 23

Dear You,

I know I haven't written to you for quiet a while but that's because I realised that none of the things that happened the past few days are any of your goddamn business. I'm so fucking tired of explaining myself to people and the events of the last three weeks showed me that I don't have to. I stopped the meetings. I'm still debating if I need to keep this blog. It served its purpose. I'm okay and I have friends who can listen to the terrible things that hover in my head without judging. And if it's something so terrible that I absolutely can't tell then I can always write it here.

I'm not going to talk about what a jerk you were or how it hurt when you opened your mouth and let one of the meanest things I've heard in my life slip out. I don't care about that anymore. There are so many things I adore here. That trip did me good; it helped me realise what I needed to keep from that place and what I needed to let go.

I had my birthday and it was absolutely brilliant. The whole concept of b-day week might not have worked as it should but we had an amazing cake day and a brilliant night out. Oh, and presents, loads and loads of presents! Still the most amazing presents I got did not cost much. Sharon baked me a cake, Isa made some special Brasilian chocolatey things called Brigaderos (I think), Asgeir danced with me, Jack sang the California song from the OC (yep, he's that cool!!). He also bought me a book and so did Paola. Oh, and I also got my birthday kiss. Which was awesome.

So, I'm gonna cut it here because I'm really tired and let you digest all you just read. I'll write more tomorrow or later this week I don't know, depends on my mood.

See ya (or not),


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