Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.

-Dale Turner-

Friday 13 February 2015

Southampton - Chapter 24

Dear You,

Tomorrow is Valentine's day and I was just wondering at what point you stopped being in love with me. Was it when I rejected you? Was it when you spent years watching that parade of beautiful idiots standing by my side? Was it three weeks back when you saw me in my less than perfect appearance? And how did you know you were in love with me in the first place? How do you know when you are in love with someone? It's been such a long time since I even used this word I can't remember how I felt anymore. I'm different now. After the two-year-feeling-nothing experience I have no idea if all the feelings have actually returned.

So, Valentine's day. I hate Valentine's day! Do they have a single's day? Nope! So, what the fuck are the single people supposed to do? Feel like crap because the rest of the world is compelling them to conform and pair up? Fuck that! We are in our 20s! We are supposed to be searching for what we want not confining ourselves when we don't know what's out there!

Anyway I have to wrap this up because I need to dig into a Lydia Davis book I'm supposed to read for Monday and continue writing my book. My assignment scores came back and they were great, I got a first in everything so I'm really happy but I need to focus because right now I'm not as focused as I'd like to be. I think it's the sex. It's really, really good. The weather is awful, it practically compels you to stay in! We'll probably go to see the Fifty Shades of Grey movie tomorrow and laugh about how ridiculous and stupid it is. I'm sick of reading your lies on viber i wish for once in your life you had the balls to admit the truth but I'm probably asking too much.



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