The reason I felt it was time I start a blog was that I believe it's important for someone to track his/ her progress. So, i start this blog for myself. Naturally i don't expect many people to follow me; i'm positive i won't be widely read (although a girl can hope :-) ). I believe that if one day i manage somehow to get published, i could look back in my archives and read my first words here. That would be kind of amazing!
I really want to find other writers who would be willing to read some extracts of my book but i don't know how or even who to ask. Plus i must admit i feel a bit intimidated by them; i don't know how i could ask them something like that. Some of my favorite fantasy authors are Carrie Ryan, Cassandra Claire and Margaret Atwood.
Friends and relatives have already read samples of my work and i have received rather encouraging reviews (naturally some of them didn't get much - they had never read fantasy before and it was rather confusing for them) but like i said, they're friends and relatives, ergo they don't count! Despite that, i have to admit, i love the way my sister critiques my work: despite being young, she's very observant and she always tells me if something bothers her. She might be blunt (and admittedly brutal on occasions) but i know that she always means well and that what she wholeheartedly wants is for me to become a better writer.
Still, it would be nice to receive some feedback from someone outside my circle, someone who doesn't know me, someone with more experience. The last qualified individuals who took it upon them to offer me some insight on my work were my professors in college; they weren't writers and they were simply helping me with my papers.
I know a lot of people are probably expecting me to have difficulties concerning the language but i'd like to believe this won't be the case. English may not be my native language but it might as well have been. Apart from the occasional mistakes people make even in their native tongue i like to think i've got a pretty good grasp of the English language.
Right now, i'm trying to balance my day job (a girl has got to eat, right?) with my writing and i believe i'm doing quite well. I think the fact that i actually like my job helps a lot. Last year i was forced to do a job i hated and i could barely write. I'm proud to say that this year i am quite content with my work; it's a pretty cool position in a great company and i actually like the people i work with (which is kind of a relief!). And for a person of my age and admittedly limited experience, that's a big deal...
Anyway, my point is that i'd like to think this blog is my first step to put my work out there. Perhaps i'll finally pick up the courage to send my work to a published writer :). Who knows?
Thank you for reading (if anyone is actually reading :) )
Ta ta for now!